At Wayve we're committed to creating a diverse, fair and respectful culture that is inclusive of everyone based on their unique skills and perspectives, and regardless of sex, race, religion or belief, ethnic or national origin, disability, age, citizenship, marital, domestic or civil partnership status, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, pregnancy or related condition  (including breastfeeding) or any other basis as protected by applicable law.  


About us   

Founded in 2017, Wayve is the leading developer of Embodied AI technology.  Our advanced AI software and foundation models enable vehicles to perceive, understand, and navigate any complex environment, enhancing the usability and safety of automated driving systems.


Our vision is to create autonomy that propels the world forward.  Our intelligent, mapless, and hardware-agnostic AI products are designed for automakers, accelerating the transition from assisted to automated driving.  Join our world-class team as we tackle today's most complex challenges and pave the way for a smarter, safer future.


At Wayve, your contributions matter.  We value diversity, embrace new perspectives, and foster an inclusive work environment.   Make Wayve the experience that defines your career!  


The Role 

Wayve is looking for an intelligent, resourceful, and creative technician lead with extensive experience and a diverse skill set. The candidate should be capable of taking initiatives and working autonomously with minimal guidance.



Key Responsibilities:

  • Manage and prioritize workshop manufacturing and testing schedule 
  • Provide regular progress updates and communicate any delays or concerns to stakeholders and management.
  • Track the operation and maintenance of workshop tooling, equipment, and vehicles. Schedule routine maintenance and repairs to ensure optimal functionality.
  • Work closely with cross-functional teams to build high-quality AV vehicles/benches/HIL’s & rigs for effective test and development.
  • Manage and support ad hoc activities for internal key stakeholders, such as software, electrical, mechanical, and safety teams to ensure quick problem resolution, and efficient communication of issues.
  • Maintain proper manufacturing documentation and record, including hardware and software updates.
  • Continuously seek opportunities to improve workshop operations and manufacturing efficiency.


About You 

In order to set you up for success as a Vehicle Technician Lead at Wayve, we’re looking for the following skills and experience.  



  • Extensive development and prototype vehicle build experience, from whole-vehicle down to component level.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of vehicle architecture and operation of support equipment.
  • Experience of supporting and maintaining prototype vehicles, and ability to contribute to component and system fault diagnosis.
  • Competency in fabrication and basic machining skills.
  • Ability to interpret engineering specifications and drawings


  • Autonomous Vehicle Experience 
  • Have a deep understanding of Health and Safety policies.

We understand that everyone has a unique set of skills and experiences and that not everyone will meet all of the requirements listed above. If you’re passionate about self-driving cars and think you have what it takes to make a positive impact on the world, we encourage you to apply.

This is a full-time role based in our office in Mountain View, CA.  At Wayve we want the best of all worlds so we operate a hybrid working policy that combines time together in our offices and workshops to fuel innovation, culture, relationships and learning, and time spent working from home.   We operate core working hours so you can determine the schedule that works best for you and your team.  

For more information visit Careers at Wayve. 

DISCLAIMER: We will not ask about marriage or pregnancy, care responsibilities or disabilities in any of our job adverts or interviews. However, we do look to capture information about care responsibilities, and disabilities among other diversity information as part of an optional DEI Monitoring form to help us identify areas of improvement in our hiring process and ensure that the process is inclusive and non-discriminatory.

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Wayve US Demographic Questions

Wayve is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive culture for our employees. It is crucial for us to understand the demographics of our candidate pool to measure our recruitment practices.

There is no requirement for any candidate to answer our demographic questions.

For candidates who complete the questionnaire, their data will be anonymized and used only in the aggregate to inform our attraction strategy. Wayve is an equal opportunity employer and this data will be used for opportunity monitoring purposes.

What is your gender identity (Select one)

Which age group do you belong to? (Select one)

What is your ethnicity? (Select one)

Do you consider yourself to have a disability or long-term health condition? (including, but not limited to: visual and hearing impairments, mobility impairments, autism, diabetes, epilepsy, dyslexia, mental health conditions, and major illnesses) (Select one)

What is your sexual orientation? (Select one)

Are you a veteran or active member of the United States Armed Forces? (Select one)

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