Radix Trading Experienced Job Board

If you want to work on cutting-edge technology to solve really tough problems while getting near-immediate feedback on your best ideas, the trading industry is hard to beat. You will be part of the team that competes every day with some of the smartest, most driven people in the world.

And while the highly-publicized wave of high-frequency or “flash” trading based on sheer speed of execution may have reached its limit, we see continued opportunities with our strategy of using statistical research to outsmart the competition.

We are building a new type of trading firm dedicated to research through open, collaborative innovation.


Note: If you currently completing a degree program or are otherwise affiliated with a university as a postdoc or faculty member, please apply to our university board.


Current Job Openings


Amsterdam: Business Compliance Analyst
Radix Trading Amsterdam


Quantitative Researcher
Chicago, Illinois, United States


Quantitative Technologist
Chicago, Illinois, United States