Join PatientPoint to be part of a dynamic team committed to empower better health. As a leading digital health company, we innovate to positively impact patient behaviors. Our purpose-driven approach offers an inspirational career opportunity where you can contribute to improving health outcomes for millions of patients nationwide.



Location: Cincinnati, OH

Hybrid Schedule: 3 days in office /2 days at home weekly

Company Overview: 

PatientPoint is a leading digital health company that connects patients, healthcare providers and life sciences companies with the right information in the moments care decisions are made. Our solutions are proven to influence patient behavior and improve health outcomes, driving value for all stakeholders. Across the nation’s largest network of connected digital devices in 35,000 physician offices, PatientPoint solutions empower better health for more than 750 million patient visits each year.

Job Description: 

PatientPoint® is looking to hire a strategic and creative Content Marketing Manager, Life Sciences to help lead the delivery of content at the right time and in the right way to key audiences within the life sciences industry. The Content Marketing Manager will be responsible for creating engaging and relevant content across various channels to attract and retain our target audiences, drive brand awareness and support our marketing and business objectives. We are looking for someone with a strong background in building comprehensive content marketing plans and then executing on those plans to create influential thought leadership materials for all PatientPoint communication channels. You will be expected to quickly learn communication best practices of marketing to life sciences professionals.

Primary Duties Include, But Are Not Limited to:

  • Develop content marketing strategies aligned with our overall marketing objectives for the life sciences side of our business
  • Concept, create and promote a variety of long-form content pieces including white papers, e-books and case studies along with related amplification content
  • Proactively identify thought leadership opportunities and quickly respond with a well thought out plan
  • Monitor and assess content performance and turn insights into recommendations
  • Integrate the PatientPoint value proposition, positioning and messaging within your content plans
  • Collaborate with internal stakeholders, including creative, sales, product, research and insights teams to deliver high-qualtiy, in-depth content
  • Conduct thorough research on industry trends, client insights and competitor analysis to inform content strategy and themes
  • Optimize content for SEO and lead generation

Desired Skills and Experience: 

  • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communications or relevant field with 5-7 years of applicable experience
  • Agency experience or have been in a prior inbound content marketing role preferred
  • Deep experience with content marketing having created, planned, managed and executed complex content marketing programs and projects
  • In-depth understanding of traditional, digital and social marketing channels and ability to develop compelling content across all outlets
  • Proficiency with analytics and marketing ROI for creation and reporting of asset performance
  • Ability to develop project plans, make recommendations and consistently meet deadlines
  • Experience with and an understanding of marketing automation platforms and content management systems
  • Knowledge of SEO, web analytics
  • Experience with WordPress, Google Analytics

About PatientPoint: 
PatientPoint is a leading digital health company that connects patients, healthcare providers and life sciences companies with the right information in the moments care decisions are made. Our solutions are proven to influence patient behavior and improve health outcomes, driving value for all stakeholders. Across the nation’s largest network of connected digital devices in 35,000 physician offices, PatientPoint solutions empower better health for more than 750 million patient visits each year.

Latest News & Innovations: 

  1. PatientPoint hosted the first-ever Upfront dedicated to Point-of-Care. Read more
  2. Learn about our recent achievement in being name 2024 Top Workplace. Read more
  3. Dive behind-the-scenes of PatientPoint's vibrant culture with our Founder & CEO. Read more

What We Offer: 
We know you bring your whole self to work every day. That is why we are committed to providing modernized benefits and cultural perks to our teammates. We offer competitive compensation, comprehensive and affordable benefits, flex time off to rest and charge, where applicable, a hybrid work model, mental & emotional wellness resources and coaching, 401K and more.

PatientPoint recognizes that privacy is important to you. Please read the PatientPoint privacy policy, we want you to be familiar with how we may collect, use, and disclose your information. Employer is EOE/M/F/D/V

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Voluntary Self-Identification

For government reporting purposes, we ask candidates to respond to the below self-identification survey. Completion of the form is entirely voluntary. Whatever your decision, it will not be considered in the hiring process or thereafter. Any information that you do provide will be recorded and maintained in a confidential file.

As set forth in PatientPoint’s Equal Employment Opportunity policy, we do not discriminate on the basis of any protected group status under any applicable law.

Race & Ethnicity Definitions

If you believe you belong to any of the categories of protected veterans listed below, please indicate by making the appropriate selection. As a government contractor subject to the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act (VEVRAA), we request this information in order to measure the effectiveness of the outreach and positive recruitment efforts we undertake pursuant to VEVRAA. Classification of protected categories is as follows:

A "disabled veteran" is one of the following: a veteran of the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service who is entitled to compensation (or who but for the receipt of military retired pay would be entitled to compensation) under laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs; or a person who was discharged or released from active duty because of a service-connected disability.

A "recently separated veteran" means any veteran during the three-year period beginning on the date of such veteran's discharge or release from active duty in the U.S. military, ground, naval, or air service.

An "active duty wartime or campaign badge veteran" means a veteran who served on active duty in the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service during a war, or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized under the laws administered by the Department of Defense.

An "Armed forces service medal veteran" means a veteran who, while serving on active duty in the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service, participated in a United States military operation for which an Armed Forces service medal was awarded pursuant to Executive Order 12985.

Voluntary Self-Identification of Disability

Form CC-305
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OMB Control Number 1250-0005
Expires 04/30/2026

Why are you being asked to complete this form?

We are a federal contractor or subcontractor. The law requires us to provide equal employment opportunity to qualified people with disabilities. We have a goal of having at least 7% of our workers as people with disabilities. The law says we must measure our progress towards this goal. To do this, we must ask applicants and employees if they have a disability or have ever had one. People can become disabled, so we need to ask this question at least every five years.

Completing this form is voluntary, and we hope that you will choose to do so. Your answer is confidential. No one who makes hiring decisions will see it. Your decision to complete the form and your answer will not harm you in any way. If you want to learn more about the law or this form, visit the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) website at

How do you know if you have a disability?

A disability is a condition that substantially limits one or more of your “major life activities.” If you have or have ever had such a condition, you are a person with a disability. Disabilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Alcohol or other substance use disorder (not currently using drugs illegally)
  • Autoimmune disorder, for example, lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, HIV/AIDS
  • Blind or low vision
  • Cancer (past or present)
  • Cardiovascular or heart disease
  • Celiac disease
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Deaf or serious difficulty hearing
  • Diabetes
  • Disfigurement, for example, disfigurement caused by burns, wounds, accidents, or congenital disorders
  • Epilepsy or other seizure disorder
  • Gastrointestinal disorders, for example, Crohn's Disease, irritable bowel syndrome
  • Intellectual or developmental disability
  • Mental health conditions, for example, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, PTSD
  • Missing limbs or partially missing limbs
  • Mobility impairment, benefiting from the use of a wheelchair, scooter, walker, leg brace(s) and/or other supports
  • Nervous system condition, for example, migraine headaches, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Neurodivergence, for example, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder, dyslexia, dyspraxia, other learning disabilities
  • Partial or complete paralysis (any cause)
  • Pulmonary or respiratory conditions, for example, tuberculosis, asthma, emphysema
  • Short stature (dwarfism)
  • Traumatic brain injury

PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENT: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. This survey should take about 5 minutes to complete.

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