do the best work of

your life

Important PSA: we've received reports of scammers who are posing as Manticore recruiters using a fraudulent email address. Legit emails from Manticore will always come from a address - note the plural 'games', not singular.
For real roles at Manticore, we'll communicate by official email. We don't use gmail addresses, and we don't ask candidates to switch to a messaging app like Telegram. We do always do video interviews, so you'll see us on camera.
As this is becoming more common in the game industry, we recommend all job hunters carefully note the "from" email of recruiters. Never share your banking information or make a purchase of equipment based on a social media message. If in doubt, reach out to others at the company.

Are you a Manticore?

A mix of lion, dragon, and scorpion, they are fierce, powerful and rare!

At Manticore Games, we define someone as a Manticore if they are a multi-specialist. Someone who can work deftly across multiple disciplines. If you are a Manticore and want to do the best work of your life, we’d love to talk to you!
