Hillel International

Welcome to Jobs at Hillel!

Make your mark on Jewish student life! Please browse through our current openings, as we are constantly looking for talented individuals to join the Hillel team. If you have questions or want to discuss career opportunities with Hillel, contact jobs@hillel.org.

Search our positions by selecting your criteria below.

Hillel International believes in the inherent worth and dignity of all people, for as the Jewish tradition teaches us, we are all created b’tzelem Elohim, in the image of God. To that end, Hillel International is committed to pluralistic Jewish life on campus, a diverse workforce and the values of inclusivity. We appreciate all the identities, experiences and backgrounds each person brings. We welcome students, professionals and community members with respect for all abilities, races, ethnicities, socio-economic status, gender identities, sexual orientations, interfaith backgrounds or observances. We are invested in making our gatherings, resources and workplaces accessible for all and will work together with individuals to meet their needs so that they can experience the richness of Jewish life and community.

Current Job Openings

Campus Hillel

Administration and Operations

Operations and Office Manager at the Brody Jewish Center
Charlottesville, Virginia, United States
Operations Manager at Hillel at Temple University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Assistant/Associate Director

Assistant Director at Boston University Hillel
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Assistant Director at Hillel at Dartmouth
Hanover, New Hampshire, United States
Assistant Director at Orange County Hillel
Orange, California, United States
Assistant Director at San Francisco Hillel
San Francisco, California, United States
Assistant Director at Vanderbilt Hillel
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Senior Director of Jewish Student Life at Harvard Hillel
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

Community Relations

Campus Impact Advisor at Greater Philly Hillel Network
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Senior Director of Community Engagement at Harvard Hillel
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States


Advancement Director at Hillel of San Diego
San Diego, California, United States
Development and Program Coordinator at Harvard Hillel
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
Development Director at University of Michigan Hillel
Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States


Director at Trinity College Hillel
Hartford, Connecticut, United States
Executive Director at University of Washington Hillel
Seattle, Washington, United States
Executive Director - Hillel Montreal
Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Executive Director - Santa Cruz Hillel
Santa Cruz, California, United States


Engagement Associate -Hillel BC (Vancouver, BC)
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Manager of Leadership & Engagement at Berkeley Hillel
Berkeley, California, United States
Program & Engagement Associate at Berkeley Hillel
Berkeley, California, United States
Student Engagement Manager at Tulane Hillel
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Student Experience Coordinator (Part Time)
Brooklyn, New York, United States



Finance, Marketing, and Communications

Director of Finance and Administration at Brown RISD Hillel
Providence, Rhode Island, United States


Jewish Educator

Campus Engagement Rabbi at Johns Hopkins Hillel
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Campus Rabbi at Syracuse Hillel
Syracuse, New York, United States
Campus Rabbi at The Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale
New Haven, Connecticut, United States
Community Engagement Rabbi at Columbia/Barnard Hillel
New York, New York, United States
Orthodox Rabbi and Educator at Harvard Hillel
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
Rabbi & Senior Jewish Educator at North Carolina Hillel
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States
Senior Jewish Educator at University of Maryland Hillel
College Park, Maryland, United States


Student Wellbeing

Social Worker at Hunter Hillel
New York, New York, United States

Hillel International

Summer Law Clerk
Chicago, Illinois, United States
SUNY Senior Advisor
New York, United States

Partner Organization

Atra: Center for Rabbinic Innovation