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UK Demographic Question - FleishmanHillard

We are committed to recruiting, retaining and developing a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Our vision is to be the most diverse and inclusive PR agency, for the work and the workforce to reflect the society we live in. We are completely committed to creating a culture which celebrates and welcomes all. A culture where everyone feels supported, free to be who they are, and where their needs are met so they can flourish.

To support this commitment, it is vital that we monitor and analyse diversity information so that we can ensure that our talent processes are fair, transparent, promote equality of opportunity for everyone, and do not have an adverse impact on any group.

Your cooperation in providing us with accurate data will ensure that we, not only meet our legal obligations, but even more importantly, will result in us designing and applying policies and processes that attract and retain a diverse and inclusive workforce.

The information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence and will only be used for retrospective statistical analysis. Our employees cannot access this data and cannot be used to assess your application or inform any decision making in the recruitment process.

Where the personal data that you provide to Fleishman Hillard includes information about your health, sexuality, race or religion you expressly consent to the processing of that personal data in the conduct of this survey.

You understand that you have the right to request access to your personal information, to correct or to delete your personal information, or to withdraw your consent or restrict or object to the processing under certain circumstances, as well as the right to data portability. You also have the right to file a complaint to a European data protection authority. For more information about how we process personal data, your rights to your data and for details of how to contact us, please see our privacy policy at the following link: https://fleishmanhillard.co.uk/gdpr-privacy-policy/

Voluntary Information

By selecting the Agree option, you confirm that you have read and understood the above information, you are over 18 years of age, and you voluntarily agree to participate. 


If you do not wish to participate in this study, please select Disagree to decline. (Select one) *

1. Gender (Select one)

2. Age group (Select one)

3. Ethnicity (Select one)

4. Children or dependents (Select one)

5. Do you have a long-term illness or disability (including physical, learning or cognitive), that may make things trickier for you in your day-to-day life (including hearing loss, restricted vision and long-term illnesses like Asthma, Diabetes, etc.)? (Select one)

6. How do you define your sexual orientation? (Select one)

7. Education (Select one)

8. Were you eligible for free school meals at school? (Select one)

9. Were you the first in your family to go to University? (Select one)

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