Core to our values at NerdWallet, we believe in fostering an inclusive culture that allows all Nerds to grow their skills, contribute, and thrive with the confidence of belonging. This begins from the moment you consider working with us. We encourage people from underrepresented backgrounds to apply to all roles at NerdWallet, and we proactively work to design hiring processes that promote equity and inclusion while mitigating bias.
To help us track the effectiveness and inclusivity of our recruiting efforts, please consider answering the following demographic questions. Your responses will be used (in aggregate only) to help us identify areas of improvement in our process. Answering these questions is entirely voluntary. Your responses will not be associated with your specific application and will not be used in any way in the hiring decision. There will be no impact on your application if you choose not to answer these questions.
Enter the verification code sent to to confirm you are not a robot, then submit your application.