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Beewise and Join Us

Career hero

A career with Beewise puts you on the front lines of the fight against climate change, saving bees, and securing the global food supply.

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Assistant Beekeeper

Department: Operations

Felda, FL

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Department: Operations

Merced, CA

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Department: Operations

Jacksonville, FL

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Beekeeper (Temporary, Full-Time)

Department: Operations

Merced, CA

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Planner Buyer

Department: Operations

Beit Haemek (Northern District), IL

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Strategic Buyer

Department: Operations

Beit Haemek (Northern District), IL

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Traveling Beekeeper

Department: Operations

Anywhere, USA

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Sales Development Representative

Department: Revenue

San Ramon, CA, USA

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Sales Development Representative - Bees for Buildings

Department: Revenue

San Ramon, CA, USA

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Mechanical Engineer

Department: Hardware

Beit HaEmek (Northern District), IL

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Mechanical Engineer (Plastic)

Department: Hardware

Beit HaEmek (Northern District), IL

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Practical Mechanical Engineer

Department: Hardware

Beit HaEmek (Northern District), IL

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Senior Hardware Engineer

Department: Hardware

Beit HaEmek (Northern District), IL

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System Engineer

Department: R&D

Beit HaEmek (Northern District), IL

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