Cast & Crew

At Cast & Crew, our diverse workforce is always at the heart of what we do. Our company is committed to a culture of encouraging unique perspectives and backgrounds and to ensure growth and opportunities are available for all. Come join our team of talent that helps make magic happen. #OneCastOneCrew

Current Job Openings

1200 Residuals

Residuals Analyst
Burbank, CA (Hybrid)

1660 TTC Canada

Administrative Assistant
Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Remote)

5003 Talent & CS Engineering

DevOps Engineer
United States (Remote)

5200 Information Security

Information Security Risk Analyst
Burbank, CA (Hybrid)

5601 FTVS Product Management

Product Manager
United States (Remote)

8000 Finance G&A

AP Contributions Coordinator
Burbank, CA (Hybrid)

9003 Talent & CS BLL

9010 Sales Indie FTVS

Director, Sales (Independent)
Burbank, CA (Hybrid)

9103 Talent & CS Marketing

9303 Talent & CS Client Services

Editor (Experts)
United States (Remote)

9830 Sales Live Events

Director, Live Entertainment Sales
Nashville, TN (Remote)